
Sunday, September 22, 2013

How to Overcome Procrastination

For this blog post I am going to discuss “How to Overcome Procrastination”. Procrastination is our worst enemy when it comes to completing projects on time.  We always tend to wait to the last minute to complete an project. I will discuss ways to overcome procrastination.

One way to overcome procrastination is to use time effectively. When you first find out that you have to complete something, make sure you start on it early so that way if you have any questions about something, you can contact who ever you need to contact to get some answers. Another reason to use time effectively, you can get done with the project early, and go back and improve things of what you did not put in there the first time to make the project better.

Another way to overcome procrastination is to come up with organization skills that best work for you. Write out a calendar that you can follow on different times throughout the week you can work on the project to have it done by the due date. And when you make out your schedule, make it a habit to follow the schedule and becoming organize will come easy to you.

You can overcome procrastination by figuring out when’s the best time you are productive. Whether it is when you first get up or some other time during the day figure it out so you can make that the time that you work on your projects. That will help you become more focused when you figure out what times of day you are most proactive.

In conclusion, there are many ways that you can overcome procrastination. You just have to figure out what is the best way for you. Procrastination is something that most of everyone had to learn how to overcome.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Staying Professional At All Times

For this blog I am going to write about, “Staying Professional at All Times”. It is important to stay professional at all times because you never know who is watching you. That is something that I live by because it is true. You will be surprised at the people that you meet when you are going places. That one person that you decide to hold a conversation with can be the person that has the power to hire you at the company you apply for. I always make it a point to have a positive attitude when talking to someone in public. I always make sure I am polite and treat people with kindness. That is important because that person can hold the key to your future to the company you are applying for.

The second reason it is important to be professional at all times, because you never know if that person is wanting to bring business to your company. Even if you own your own company, it is important to be professional. That person you held a conversation while in public can be over the big account that your company needs to make it to the top and gain more clients. There are a lot of benefits when it comes to being professional at all times. That person is going to remember you when your name or your company comes up and that will help you a lot. When I say stay professional at all times I mean just that. It does not matter if your out with your friends, family, or just out by yourself whether it is day time or night time. You never know whom you are going to run into and will have to see again in the future.

In conclusion, staying professional at all times is very important. Make sure you make a good impression on everyone you meet, because you never know if that person is going to benefit you in the future.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

“Experts Views on the Value of Business Plans”

I tend to incorporate what I have learned from my own research on the first post is researching more and using different resources that is available to me when starting my own business. That is important to do all the research that you can, so that you can learn about all the resources that is available. Before reading on the experts, I really did not know about starting my own business plan and the numbers that I would have to figure out. Researching the experts really helped me with my business plan a lot. By reading about how they became experts and they came up in the business. The specific changes that I have made to my plan are how I can lower the cost of start up fees and equipment. At first my number was higher in start up costs and I would have had to increase my loans. The sections of the plan that I consider to be the most important to the investors is sales cost of sales, profit, and cash flow projections.  Those things are important, because when you know them things, it helps you get your numbers right. If you really do not have an idea, then experts are not going to want to work with you. It is important for you to know what you want before going to the experts. It is important to help them help you. When you know what you want, then that makes it easier for the experts help you to develop your business plan. In conclusion, I learned a lot from the experts that I researched. I learned the important factors of my business plan that I need to pay attention to the most.  I also learned that coming up with my numbers for my business plan is really important. That determine how much in loans that I will need to take out. Or if I do not want to want to take out loans, how much I will need to raise. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Expert Views on the Value of Business Plans

For this blog post I decided to write about Expert Tim Berry and Akira Hirai. Time Berry is a business plan expert when it comes to looking and reviewing business plans. In the year of 2000, he landed venture capital for Palo Alto software. Tim Berry use to be a consultant for Apple computers for 14 years. He made annual plans for Apple Latin America, Apple Japan, and Apple pacific. When he was a consultant for Apple Latin America, they went for 2 million to 37 million annual sales. Tim Berry also taught business classes at University of Oregon. Tim Berry has written many books about business planning.  The books that he wrote was called, How to Write a Business Plan and The Father of Business Planning. One of the key things that Tim Berry mention is management team including somebody with experience in previous startups. If your management team does not have this, then he will not review your business plan.

The next person I will discuss is Akira Hirai. Akira has over 20 years of experience in Business planning. He is the founder and CEO of Cayenne Consulting. Akira is a guest speaker on a lot of topics when it comes to business planning. Prior to starting his own company, he had management positions based out of New York at the Salomon brothers. Akira writes a lot of blogs with helpful information when it comes to starting your own business and business plans. One of the key component, is making sure your business plans do not have many errors.

In conclusion, having a business expert review your business plan is a smart idea. They can help you write a business plan that way you will be able to get investors for the company that you would like to start up. It is important that you make sure that the person who is reviewing your business plan, had experience in business planning.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Relationship Between an Artist and Manager

For this blog, I want to discuss the relationship between an artist and manager. The relationship between an artist and their manager should be a good one. It is important for the artist and manager to have a strong relationship. It is important because the manager is going to be in charge for making the artist career a successful one. The manager should be considered, the artist best friend. When first building a relationship between the artist and manager, it is important for the artist to get to know the manager’s background. The artist is always going to want someone who is going to have his or her best interests. An artist can easily replace a manager when they feel that their manager is not doing their job.

Once the artist has picked a manager, it is important for the two to establish a relationship and set expectations between the two. It will take time for the relationship to build. Do not expect to become best friends overnight. It is important for the manager, to understand what the artist expectations are. The artist wants to know what can you add to his/her career. Once the artist and manager have set expectations, then the relationship can start. Once that relationship is established between the two, you want to make sure that it will stay that way. It is important for a manager not to get to comfortable and start to slack on his/her job. An artist can always go out and find a new manager if that person is not doing his/her job.

In conclusion, it is very important for the artist and the manager to have a good relationship with each other. When that relationship is made it is important for the manager to not forget why he/she was hired in the first place.