
Sunday, September 22, 2013

How to Overcome Procrastination

For this blog post I am going to discuss “How to Overcome Procrastination”. Procrastination is our worst enemy when it comes to completing projects on time.  We always tend to wait to the last minute to complete an project. I will discuss ways to overcome procrastination.

One way to overcome procrastination is to use time effectively. When you first find out that you have to complete something, make sure you start on it early so that way if you have any questions about something, you can contact who ever you need to contact to get some answers. Another reason to use time effectively, you can get done with the project early, and go back and improve things of what you did not put in there the first time to make the project better.

Another way to overcome procrastination is to come up with organization skills that best work for you. Write out a calendar that you can follow on different times throughout the week you can work on the project to have it done by the due date. And when you make out your schedule, make it a habit to follow the schedule and becoming organize will come easy to you.

You can overcome procrastination by figuring out when’s the best time you are productive. Whether it is when you first get up or some other time during the day figure it out so you can make that the time that you work on your projects. That will help you become more focused when you figure out what times of day you are most proactive.

In conclusion, there are many ways that you can overcome procrastination. You just have to figure out what is the best way for you. Procrastination is something that most of everyone had to learn how to overcome.

1 comment:

  1. This a very interesting post on procrastination!! Something that everyone needs advice on whether they are a student or not. Did you ever think about using photo's in your posts to make them more colorful and attention grabbing? Also, for the overall design of your blog I think it looks very nice and clean but have you thought about adding some color or images to jazz it up? Clearly, I am just a colorful person but I really enjoy your blog, keep up the good advice!!!
