
Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Relationship Between an Artist and Manager

For this blog, I want to discuss the relationship between an artist and manager. The relationship between an artist and their manager should be a good one. It is important for the artist and manager to have a strong relationship. It is important because the manager is going to be in charge for making the artist career a successful one. The manager should be considered, the artist best friend. When first building a relationship between the artist and manager, it is important for the artist to get to know the manager’s background. The artist is always going to want someone who is going to have his or her best interests. An artist can easily replace a manager when they feel that their manager is not doing their job.

Once the artist has picked a manager, it is important for the two to establish a relationship and set expectations between the two. It will take time for the relationship to build. Do not expect to become best friends overnight. It is important for the manager, to understand what the artist expectations are. The artist wants to know what can you add to his/her career. Once the artist and manager have set expectations, then the relationship can start. Once that relationship is established between the two, you want to make sure that it will stay that way. It is important for a manager not to get to comfortable and start to slack on his/her job. An artist can always go out and find a new manager if that person is not doing his/her job.

In conclusion, it is very important for the artist and the manager to have a good relationship with each other. When that relationship is made it is important for the manager to not forget why he/she was hired in the first place.

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