
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Staying Professional At All Times

For this blog I am going to write about, “Staying Professional at All Times”. It is important to stay professional at all times because you never know who is watching you. That is something that I live by because it is true. You will be surprised at the people that you meet when you are going places. That one person that you decide to hold a conversation with can be the person that has the power to hire you at the company you apply for. I always make it a point to have a positive attitude when talking to someone in public. I always make sure I am polite and treat people with kindness. That is important because that person can hold the key to your future to the company you are applying for.

The second reason it is important to be professional at all times, because you never know if that person is wanting to bring business to your company. Even if you own your own company, it is important to be professional. That person you held a conversation while in public can be over the big account that your company needs to make it to the top and gain more clients. There are a lot of benefits when it comes to being professional at all times. That person is going to remember you when your name or your company comes up and that will help you a lot. When I say stay professional at all times I mean just that. It does not matter if your out with your friends, family, or just out by yourself whether it is day time or night time. You never know whom you are going to run into and will have to see again in the future.

In conclusion, staying professional at all times is very important. Make sure you make a good impression on everyone you meet, because you never know if that person is going to benefit you in the future.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You raise a very great point that I feel many of us often can neglect. As we near our graduation, it’s becoming more and more important for us to network and plan our future. Keeping this in mind, we need to stay professional in most settings. For example, the other day I was talking to a friend of a friend about school and what I want to do. As our conversation went on I learned that his family member in New York City owns a recording studio. We exchanged information and hopefully this could be a potential lead. In an online article, when Kathy speaks on communicating she writes, “Make sure it is in a way that will help you grow your business, and not have people questioning your professionalism.” (Colaiacovo, 2013) We all would like to leave positive, lasting impressions on the people we associate with. This will create long relationships that could end up benefitting you and your business in the future. Your topic of professionalism in everyday life was very relevant to your blog theme. This is crucial because it allows for easy accessibility to your post. Great post!



    Colaiacovo, K. (2013, January 26). Being professional in all situations. Retrieved from

  3. Hi Kiara,

    Very good post. One of the most important things my father has taught me is the importance of character. Your character is what people will pick up on as they interact with you. It is the first thing people will notice when you walk in a room. I like your comment about keeping this principle if you own your own company. They way you carry yourself should always be professional. It doesn't mean you have to be a snob, but carry yourself in a way that demands respect. Great post!


  4. Hi Kiara,

    really enjoyed reading this post. Staying professional at all times is such a good thing to do wherever you are because at the end of the day, you never really know who you are going to end up talking too or meeting. A good thing to do also is if you find yourself not being professional at all times, just remember to be polite and courteous to the people around you. Kindness is something that goes a long way in this life and people will definitely remember you for it.

