
Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Role of an Artist Manager

For this blog post, I chose to write about is the role of an artist manager.  A manager’s job is to make sure the artist have a successful music career. A manager should be an artist’s best friend. A manager should plan the artist’s schedules and represent the artist when it comes to contracts, negotiations, and anything else that is going to determine the artist career. A manager should always attend professional events as well, to make sure that everything is going as planned for the artist. The managers will be the go to guy/girl for anything that is dealing with the artist. You are not going to get to the artist without going through the manager first.

A manager should always be available to the artist whenever he/she is needed. If your not available for your artist, then you are not doing your job. Artists should be able to call on you for anything at anytime. A manager is responsible for molding the artist’s career. When managing an artist, that artist should not have to worry about a thing. It is important to always make the best decision for the artist, when it comes to negotiation and contracts. A manager is responsible, for making sure that the artist has a successful career in every way. It is important that the manager constantly looks for business opportunities for the artist. The manager is responsible for leading the artist down the right path.

In conclusion, the manager plays an important role in the artist’s life. Being a manager is a big role to play. Anyone can be a manager, but it takes the right person to make the artist’s career a successful one. As I stated before, it is important to make sure that every decision is made in the best interest of the artist.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kiara,

    This is a well written post about the role and responsibility of an artist manager. The manager should be the backbone for the artist in offering support in all aspects of the artist career. It is important for an artist to be in tune with what the artist is trying to accomplish to better serve the artist. The manager is the most important person in an artist career because they handle the day to day logistics that goes along with the success of an artist. Look forward to reading more of your blogs in the future!
