
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Rick Guidotti: From Stigma to supermodel

My next blog post and topic is going to be on speaker that I am going to discuss is Rick Guidotti: From Stigma to supermodel. In this blog post Rick Guidotti discusses how he is photography from New York City and how he worked for famous magazine companies.  The speaker inspired audience-showing photos and discussing how beauty is everywhere not just in the magazines with models. He showed how kids with albinism and other conditions are beautiful. He helped kids overcome adversity by photographing them and making them feel good about their selves.  He changed kids lives by letting them tell their story and showing them how beautiful they really are. He built trust by making kids feel good about them selves. Rick made kids feel comfortable around him and he let them know that not everyone is judging them by there appearance. By doing that the word started getting out and a lot of parents wanted Rick to come and take photographs of their children.  It is important to let kids know that they are beautiful and they should not be judged based on how they look; they should be accepted for who they are. Rick showed knowledge by showing photographs and having a story for each photograph he showed. I really find it inspiring that he worked with these kids and letting them know that they are just as beautiful as the average person. I also loved the fact that he spent a lot of time in Africa. One of the special events that Rick Guidotti was apart of was invited to speak to a lot of kids in San Antonio Texas. When he entered the room he was surrounded by laughter and kids who had all kinds of different things that was wrong with him. Rick was also invited to work on an exhibition.

1 comment:

  1. I'm still learning from you, as I'm making my way to the top as well. I definitely love reading all that is written on your blog.Keep the information coming. I loved it.

    María Inés Rivero, Maria Ines Rivero
