
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How to Manage a Project

For this blog, I will be discussing “ How to Manage a Project”.  When it comes to managing a project, it is very important because if you do not manage your project correctly, your project can fail. I am going to list and discuss some important steps, when it comes to managing a project.

First it is important to figure out the goals of the project. You can figure this out; by writing down all the things that you need to do to make the project successful. It is important to things that you need first, instead of jumping right into a project and it is not planned out.

Second, figure out how you are going to get the things that you need to make the project successful. Figure out if you have the equipment or if you are going to need investors to help you. If you do need investors, starting looking as soon as possible and do not wait to the last minute. 

Third, write out a time line of everything you would need and the date and time you would need it by.  It makes it easier when you write everything down instead of just guessing, or trying to just remember everything. As well once you write out a timeline make sure that you follow by it and make more than one copy in case you misplace a copy.

Make sure you have an original plan, as well as a back of plan. It is not promised that your first plan is going to work out, that’s why it is important to have a back up plan in case it doesn’t work out. It is always good to plan for the worst, you never know what is going to happen, and you would be prepared. 

Fifth, start getting your team together and assigning roles. Let each person know what they are going to be doing, and give them a schedule of the timeline. Once roles are assigned have weekly meetings to make sure that everyone is on task. Make sure that you constantly have communication with your team.

Sixth, make sure you write everything down from what is done, and what still needs to be done. This is important, because you can keep track of everything and will not wonder if something got done or not. It is also important to document everything, because if you forgot something you can add it.

Last, make sure to stay in touch with everybody like the investors (if you have any) and your team members. This is important, because you want to know how everyone is doing and their status on what they were assigned to.

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