
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Expert Views on the Value of Business Plans

For this blog post I decided to write about Expert Tim Berry and Akira Hirai. Time Berry is a business plan expert when it comes to looking and reviewing business plans. In the year of 2000, he landed venture capital for Palo Alto software. Tim Berry use to be a consultant for Apple computers for 14 years. He made annual plans for Apple Latin America, Apple Japan, and Apple pacific. When he was a consultant for Apple Latin America, they went for 2 million to 37 million annual sales. Tim Berry also taught business classes at University of Oregon. Tim Berry has written many books about business planning.  The books that he wrote was called, How to Write a Business Plan and The Father of Business Planning. One of the key things that Tim Berry mention is management team including somebody with experience in previous startups. If your management team does not have this, then he will not review your business plan.

The next person I will discuss is Akira Hirai. Akira has over 20 years of experience in Business planning. He is the founder and CEO of Cayenne Consulting. Akira is a guest speaker on a lot of topics when it comes to business planning. Prior to starting his own company, he had management positions based out of New York at the Salomon brothers. Akira writes a lot of blogs with helpful information when it comes to starting your own business and business plans. One of the key component, is making sure your business plans do not have many errors.

In conclusion, having a business expert review your business plan is a smart idea. They can help you write a business plan that way you will be able to get investors for the company that you would like to start up. It is important that you make sure that the person who is reviewing your business plan, had experience in business planning.