
Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Importance of Networking

For my blog post I will be discussing the importance of networking. Networking is very important, especially when you are trying to be successful in the entertainment industry. There are networking events everyday that people can attend. Everywhere you go there is networking possibilities. It is important to be prepared, because you never know whom you are going to meet. When networking, always make sure you have a business card on you as well as samples of your work. When it comes to showing samples of your work, you can give them the link to your website, or you can have a pdf copy on your phone to show. It is important to always look and act your best when it comes to working. Whether it is a company or an artist, they are always looking someone who is going to represent them the best.

It is important to have social networks as well. Social networks are one of the biggest way to network now and days. Make sure put the link to your work on social networks, so people can have a way to check your work out. Another way to network is going to different events. When people see you come to their event, then they will remember that and want to do business with you. It is important to network because it shows people how serious you really are and will want to work with you. Networking can open a lot of doors for you.

In conclusion, it is very important to network. There are many ways that you can network and get your name out there. Always remember that you can network wherever you go. Always make sure that you have business cards on you to hand out so people can get in contact with you and know how to look at your work.

Reviews on Artist Management Websites

For this blog post I will write a review on different artist management websites. I chose this topic because having a good website is important when you are trying to gain new clients. The first website I reviewed was Impact Artist Management website. As soon as I clicked on the website I was impressed. The website is simple and easy to navigate through. The website grabbed my attention immediately as soon as I entered the website. The website has a great color scheme that stands out and goes with the font very well. The picture content on the website matches the color scheme as well. I like how every thing is neat and below on the home page, you can check out news about their company. On the artist page, you can check out the different artists that they manage as well as click on their picture. Once you click on their picture it will take you to another link that tells you about the artist.

The second website that I will discuss is Management artists. Management artists are a group of managers who manage photography. I would consider their website good, but not the best. There is definitely work that can be done on the website. The website is simple but it is plain on some links. The images are outstanding. You can navigate through the website without any problems. The color scheme is simple and goes well with the images that are displayed on the website. The only complaint that I have on the home page is how big the letters are on the page. They should switch the design up on the website to make it pop more.

The third and final website that I reviewed is the Gail Boyd website. The type of artists that is managed through Gail Boyd is jazz. I am impressed with the website all around. The website is neat and easy to navigate. As soon as I clicked on the website, my attention was grabbed. The website is not to cluttered at all. The only complaint that I have is some of the tabs do not have content or display little content to them. The color scheme was good; it was not bright at all.

In conclusion, it is important to have websites that make people want to stay and find out what the website is about. When gaining new clients, a neat and easy to navigate website can help.