
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Interview with CJ Francis on Negotiating

The person I chose to interview is CJ Francis. CJ Francis is a producer, audio engineer, and hip-hop artist is grew up in Lawrenceville, GA, which is in the outskirts of Atlanta, GA. CJ always had a passion for music ever since he was a little kid growing up. CJ has made over 100 beats and songs that he has sold to other people. In this interview I learn how CJ negotiates when it comes to selling his beats, performing, or selling his music. The will post three interview questions and answers that I had between CJ Francis.

One of the questions I asked CJ Francis is how do he focuses on interest and not positions when selling his beats? CJ responded he focuses on the interest and not position by already knowing what he wants to get out the deal. He stated that it is important to know what you want to get out the deal because when you do not, then the negotiation process will not go well.

The second question I asked CJ Francis was how do he handles positional bargaining tactics? CJ responded by saying he knows what he wants out the deal. Before making a deal he thinks about all the hard work and dedication he has put into his work. So when he is positional bargaining, he knows his worth whether it is selling his beats or his music.

The third and final question I asked CJ Francis was do he ever feel like there was a time he didn’t’ meet is objective criteria? CJ responded by saying yes a lot of times when he first got in to the business and started out negotiating. Negotiations are something that you just do not master over night. CJ stated by him not meeting his objective criteria, it taught him a lot and he learned not to make them mistakes again.