
Monday, November 26, 2012

Tips to Becoming a Successful Video Freelancer

For this blog post I decided to write about: Tips to Becoming a Successful Video Freelancer. I chose this topic because Video Freelancing is one of the things I do and is passionate about. The things that I will discuss in this blog for becoming a successful video freelancer is: Be prepared, be very detailing in work, and communication. There are other tips that should be followed but I am going to discuss three of the main tips that are considered very important to me.

The first tip to becoming a successful video freelancer is being prepared. Make sure you know everything you are going to discuss when meeting with a client. When meeting with clients for the first time, always make sure you have everything you need meaning, pen and paper to take notes. Clients like it when you are taking a note that shows them that you are listening to what they have to say and you are serious about working.

The second tip to becoming a successful video freelancer is making sure you have detailed work. On your second visit with meeting the client, you should have a detailed shot list, budget, and treatment to show the client. That lets the client know that you are prepared and serious about what you do. Another good thing to do is email the detailed work to the client ahead of time so when you and the client meet again, the client can go over what he/she doesn’t like and needs to be changed.

The third and final tip to becoming a successful video freelancer is communication.  Make sure you constantly stay in communication with your clients about every little thing. Clients like it when you let them know every little detail about their project. Make sure you always let the client know when you are done with a task, because that let them know that everything is still on track.

In conclusion, the three tips to becoming a successful video freelancer that I discussed are be prepared, be very detailing in work, and communication. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Different Types of Content Theft

The professional association that I am interested in is the Motion Picture Association of America.  The association talks about films, but majority of the information I can still use in my industry, which is music production. One of the topics that I will discuss that I can use in my industry is type of content Theft. Content theft happens everyday whether it is music, videos, or movies.  It is important to know the different types of content thefts.

The first type of content theft that I can use in my industry is peer-to-peer theft.  It is when people can exchange digital files through the Internet. People have the ability to transfer files from one computer to another. That is very important in my industry, because people can easily download the videos that I produce and be able to share from computer to computer. People would be able to make illegal copies and be able to give to people for free instead of paying to download the video.

The second type of content theft that relates within my industry is streaming theft.  Streaming theft is when a person a view video’s that is unauthorized to view. That means if I upload a video to the Internet, and some how the video gets downloaded to a illegal website, then someone can go on that website and be able to see the video that I posted.  It is important to watch out for these illegal sites, because they can look legal when they are really not.

The third and last type of content theft that I can use in my industry is optical disc theft. Optical disc theft, is when someone can download video’s to a disc and sale them. Another term used for this is “bootlegging”. Bootlegging is known all around the world. Everyday video’s are copied to a DVD and resold to people.

In conclusion, it is important to protect your work. These are common types of content thefts that are seen everyday in video production. I can use this research to help protect the videos that I produce and put of for people to see.