
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Presenting Your Photographs

For this week blog I will discuss topics from the article “Presenting Your Photographs by Nancy Hill. This Blog will be dedicated to photography lovers who are trying to get their photography shown to professionals or even just to friends and family. First Hill goes to talk about knowing your audience. It is important to know the type of audience that you are trying to reach whether there family, friends, publication, or even for galleries.

When it comes to people taking photography up as just an interest, then that’s when you should show your work to family and friends and not if you are trying to go professional. If your audience were family and friends then you would want to present your photos in a frame or a photo folder because they are going to want to hang your photos around the house.  When it comes to wanting to have a career in photography, your audience will be different. You would present your work for publication or galleries.

 When your audience is professional, then you would present your work different. You would want to find out how whoever you’re submitting your work to and how they would want you to submit it.  When you are submitting your work to publication, they can want you to submit it via email, CD’s, and even tear sheets. Galleries will want you to have a professional portfolio. If you want the gallery to take you serious, than always make sure you take a professional portfolio.

The next topic Nancy hill talks about is how your photographs will be viewed whether it’s for albums, scrapbooks, or walls. When your photos are being reviewed for albums do not have more than one theme. When you stick to one theme, then you appear to know your subject and not seem to be all over the place with different photographs that does not match your theme. When it comes to scrapbooks, make sure you have a concept, and that your photo stands out and not the paper or even the font you choose to use. When putting your photographs on walls, make sure you know the size of your photograph when putting it on a frame. When it comes to matting your photographs, choose the pre cut matts. That way you won’t have to spend to much or worry about if you mess the matts up while cutting them.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Being Successful in the Entertainment Industry

Ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to be in the Entertainment Industry. I went through all the stages from wanting to be a singer, dancer, model, and actress. Finally when I grew older I found a passion for photography, video, and helping people jump-start their career. That is when I decided it was best to be in the Entertainment business behind the scenes. I must say that I absolutely love creating work that people can love and enjoy.

With that being said, I wanted to do all these things and create work and show them to people but I had poor work ethics. I had to change my work ethics if I wanted or want to be successful in this industry. I must say that one way that I did that was going to Full Sail University on campus when I went for my Bachelor’s degree in Digital Arts and Design. I had the best experience going there because the classes were designed like how you are actually going to work in the industry. You did not have time to be lazy. You constantly had a project due and were always in class. That helped me a lot.

After I graduated and really got into the real world I started applying the things that they taught us in school and using them. One of the things that you are going to need to be successful in the Entertainment Industry is to stay up to date with what’s going on in the industry with Online Marketing.  Online presence is one of the important things to be successful in the Entertainment Industry. Online Marketing is very important in the Entertainment Business. That is how you are going to get your name and work out there for people to see. I have a Facebook, twitter, instragram, and LinkedIn account. I stay up to date with social media and what’s new so I can keep marketing myself. I have provided two links to look at on how to be successful in the Entertainment Industry